SWIR Imaging of Helium Aurora and Airglow

Keo Scientific personnel are co-authors of a poster to be presented by Dr. John W. Meriwether at the American Geophysical Union's Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., 9-13 December, 2024.

The title of the poster is Short Wave InfraRed Imaging Measurements of the He 1083 nm Aurora and Airglow and the Meinel 0-0 Band Auroral Intensity and Rotational Temperature.

The imager used during this study was our Keo Sentry-SWIR imager.

The Helium and Meinel applications are described in more detail in our paper Short Wave Infrared Imaging for Auroral Physics and Aeronomy Studies.

The Abstract Number is SA23B-2666. I hope to see some of you in-person in the Poster Hall on the Tuesday afternoon.