Software & Drivers

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Easy-to-use instrument control interface for automated data acquisition operations.

PVCAM is the driver for controlling Teledyne Princeton Instruments PIXIS and ProEM cameras on 32-bit Windows 7.

The Andor driver pack will install drivers for all Andor CCD and EMCCDs used with Keo instruments.

The Atik Universal Installer will install all required camera drivers for Atik camera sensors used in Keo instruments. 

Photometrics/QImaging PVCam is the driver for controlling Photometrics and QImaging cameras on 64-bit Windows.

The ZWO ASI Camera Driver is required for all Keo instruments equipped with ZWO camera sensors.

The Hamamatsu C8855 driver is required for all Keo Photometer (Arges and Arges-VF) systems. 

The Hamamatsu C8855 driver is required for all Keo Photometer (Arges and Arges-VF) systems. 

The FTDI VCP driver is required for all systems that use FTDI USB to Serial adaptors.

Software to control Keo SkyScan in both manual and advanced control modes.

SpectraCal is an application for processing images collected with a Keo Scientific Zodiac patrol spectrograph and converting them into calibrated spectrograms and keograms.

PICam is the driver for controlling all Teledyne Princeton Instruments cameras on 64-bit Windows 10 or newer.

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