Custom Instruments
When it comes to studying the Auroras, Airglow, and other low-light-level phenomena, we know that every single photon counts. Good optical lens design is an art as much as it is a science. We draw on our long experience and in-depth knowledge of the properties of light and materials to develop state-of-the-art opto-mechanical systems. Our expertise extends beyond the visible spectrum to the ultraviolet and infrared.
Our designers have access to a variety of optical, mechanical, and electrical design software which allows them to completely model and simulate the system prior to manufacturing. Our network of suppliers are equipped to be able to manufacture virtually any design we come up with. Our facility is equipped with the tools and equipment needed to integrate and test the final design prior to delivery.
Over the years we have developed several custom one-off instruments to meet the unique needs of our customers. If you have an idea for and instrument or need a customized version of an existing instrument, please do not hesitate to reach out to us to discuss. We would be more than happy to help you realize your needs.
Based on past requests, we have come up with novel instrument concepts and techniques, such as
- Technique to image ion upflow/outflow (Doppler)
- Technique for an all-sky spectrograph (multiple slits in image plane)
- Technique to perform daytime measurements of aurora/airglow (double-etalon technique).
We are always looking for a challenge. Please don’t hesitate to approach us with your ‘impossible’ instrument and measurement requirements. Where there’s a will, there is (often) a way.